If you’re a high performer woman who wants to increase energy and focus while getting permanent weight loss results to make the rest of your life the best of your life,

then this program is for you!


12-Week Total Mind & Body Transformation

With Strong Beautiful You Gain Self-Confidence, Banish Belly Bloat, And Finally Celebrate Feeling & Being Strong And Sexy,

All in 90 Days or Less.

If you’re ready for a change that sticks for good, apply to join us inside

Strong Beautiful You

& lay the foundation for your health, happiness, & fitness, for life!


You'll begin to see incredible changes within your first 10 days of joining.

You’ll wake up every morning feeling energized and ready for the day.

You’ll finally get results without feeling deprived or overwhelmed

You’ll increase energy levels, focus and productivity

You’ll gain the confidence to live life to its fullest with the energy and enthusiasm to enjoy it


What Clients Say




You can do this!


Get the accountability you need to show up on days when you’d rather go through the drive-thru or binge your favorite Netflix series


Uplevel your mindset & discover the real you to age with confidence, strength and grace


Nail your nutrition with “I can’t believe these are good for me” recipes, learn sustainable eating habits, and receive no-brainer grocery lists


Receive DAILY inspiration via email and our private online support group so you stay on track!


Apply NOW to Reserve YOUR Spot!

Connect with like-minded women to Rise UP and Shine together!


What is The Total Mind & Body Transformation All About?

The Strong Beautiful You Total Mind & Body Transformation consists of delicious clean eating meal plans that are designed to fuel your body and turn it into a lean, strong, fat-melting machine that you can be PROUD of.

We'll help you kick those sugar cravings to the curb, turbo charge your metabolism, and help you look and feel better in whatever you choose to wear, all day, everyday!

You’ll even feel great in your birthday suit! ;)

Boost Your Confidence as You Systematically Adopt Habits that Support your Goals, now and for a lifetime.

Remember, this is NOT a quick fix, this is a lifestyle change so that you are empowered to finally love yourself and live the life of your dreams with the energy, enthusiasm, and clarity of mind to do so.


A step-by-step 12 week transformation program for women that helps you feel FABULOUS, look AMAZING, & have the Confidence to ROCK your life the way YOU want to.

Best of all, we made it totally easy to follow along so it fits right into your busy lifestyle.



You’d LOVE to look in the mirror 28-Days from now and notice inches coming off your hips, tummy, thighs, and arms.


Strong Beautiful You

is for you if…


You know it’s time to put yo-yo dieting and extreme quick fixes behind you for good


You’re looking for a sustainable approach to nutrition and mindset that still allows you to have fun and socialize


You know you need accountability and positive reinforcement to keep you going


And you want a FUN and SIMPLE way to create healthy habits that STICK with support, accountability & camaraderie so that you are never alone.


You're ready, willing and able to do the work so that in 60-Days from now your confidence and energy levels are high.

In 12-Weeks from now you want your healthy habits to be second nature and sustainalbe for life so that you get your mojo back once and for all.

You want to say buh-bye to aches and pains and enjoy life fully at any age.


When you join us inside

Strong Beautiful You, you’ll receive:

Kick-Off with a Total Mind & Body 10-Day Detox

Cleanse and nourish your body from the inside out, eliminating the toxins triggering your cravings and feeding your body with healthy revitalizing nutrients.

Set yourself up for success from the start. No crazy potions pills or starvation diets.

Simple, delicious, whole foods you will love to start your Transformation off right.

Complete Recipe/Nutrition Manual

Yes, this is one of the MAJOR components of this program. We all know it's about the diet (hate that word) but we are going to make sure you follow scientifically proven systems that will still have you eating real food, and plenty of it. In fact we will cover so much nutrition that there is no way we won't find a meal plan or program that works for YOU, YOUR life, and YOUR schedule. Abs are made in the kitchen!

Meal Plans + Grocery Lists

Eating better doesn't have to entail the same “chicken and veggies” meal over and over again. That's why we included some of our FAVORITE recipes you'll absolutely love. You'll have REAL food that won't leave you feeling deprived, and even after the program is over, you'll still want to continue to make these recipes on a daily basis.

Coach Amy conducts weekly group coaching calls via Zoom, providing valuable guidance and support to participants. These calls offer an opportunity for you to ask questions about the program and receive personalized answers and insights from Coach Amy. Joining these calls will help you stay accountable, motivated, and achieve your goals.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls via Zoom

SBY! Success Manual and Private Success Portal

Ever wish that you had a guide to tell you everything you wanted to know about what you're going through, why it happened, and what you can expect to happen over the course of your health and fitness journey?

Well that's EXACTLY what we give you in your Strong Beautiful You Program Success Manual. It's loaded with pro strategies and tips to help you achieve maximum results in a short period of time.

The best part? You have your very own private Personal Success Portal you can access anywhere!

Progress Tracking, Support & Accountability

We hold you to a higher standard than you may hold yourself, because if you're not accountable to someone, only YOU know if you did, or did not workout.

Our entire focus is on getting you results. That’s why we have developed a progress tracking system for all of our clients. We will always know what’s working and what’s not.

And let's face it, we've all signed up for a program, done it for a few days / weeks, and then — *poof* — we fall right back into our old habits.

That’s not the case for this program! We'll call, email, and text you if we don't *see* you, so you better be ready for some commitment!

Personal Goal Setting

We'll get laser-focused on what YOU want to achieve and why you want it. We'll set specific milestones and focus on the habits that you need to create to get there.

Plus, we'll check in along the way to make sure you're staying on track! Success leaves clues, and we'll be there every step of the way to make sure you're getting great results!

No one ever said this was going to be easy. Even with us at your side coaching you every step of the way there are going to be some days that will test your will power, we all have them.

That’s why we will be there with daily motivation and inspiration to remind you why you started and to not give up. You've got this… and we've got you covered.

Daily Motivation

Private Facebook Group

You have Facebook, right? We will add you to a private group just for people doing the program so that you can ask any questions that pop up in your mind and not only get answers from our qualified trainers, but answers from others that are doing the program as well!

This alone will give you ideas that you never thought about and help keep you on your game throughout this program.


Why choose me as your coach for this important transformation?

Over the last 3 decades, I’ve helped countless women increase energy and get permanent weight loss results, so that they can make the rest of their lives the best of their lives.

My approach is different because together we focus on simple, effective success habits to get you to your goals and beyond with the support and accountability you need to succeed.

That means you develop lifelong habits instead of quick fix results that don't last.

So if you want to go further faster? This is your chance to do it right!

Hi, My name is Amy Lewis, your Transformation Coach, and I just want you to know...

YOU are ALREADY Amazing.

But sometimes...it takes a little sweat, support, and a LOT of fun to make you FEEL that way!

We are always performing amazing balancing acts between work, family, and trying to have some resemblance of a social life.

Rarely do we make the time to put ourselves first.

That's exactly WHY I’ve created Strong Beautiful You: 12-Week Total Mind & Body Transformation Program.

With this simple formula, you won't be able to help but get amazing results, one doable habit at a time.

Nothing inspires me more than helping women like you ditch the diet and finally get lasting results without feeling deprived or overwhelmed.

Like Nancy who had tried everything and was feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and defeated when it came to her health and fitness at age 57. We started working together and within the first week Nancy's skin cleared up & her energy levels increased. She even noticed her aches and pains going away!

Empowering women to skyrocket energy levels, clear brain fog, and get permanent weight loss results to boost confidence and create a life they adore is my mission.

Like Jodi who was always active and was struggling with weight gain over 40 and a changing body she didn't recognize. Strong Beautiful You empowered her to have the confidence to make the best choices for herself in any situation and she discovered the pounds melting off and the cravings disappearing.

I’m a certified nutrition & lifestyle coach with a background in personal training and education with close to three decades of experience helping women get and stay fit and strong no matter what life throws your way.

I am honored and grateful to walk beside women like Nancy, Jodi, Heather, Lynn, Tricia, Tina, Sharon, Cheyenne, Kerri, and hundreds more as they Rise UP and Shine & finally get their mojo back.

Will YOU be our next SUCCESS Story?


“I am visibly and physically more fit. I appreciate how endlessly patient, encouraging, and non-judgmental Amy is with each participant, offering frequent positive reinforcement.

- Heather H.

"I just finished and feel great! What I liked most was that everything was all natural. No powders, pills or fasting. I took the morning mojo which gave me energy throughout the morning and into the day. I also used the food tracker to write down all my foods which was a powerful experience. I also used the daily checklists and found that they really helped motivate me. I couldn't wait to fill them out at the end of the day and check off as many boxes as I could! I'd highly recommend the program and many thanks to Amy for her daily inspirational emails.

- Chris B.

“Yay! Day one for me on the mountain, weighed in at 132.0 this morning and my size small ski pants are looser than they were at the end of last ski season! This was the feeling in my ski pants I was going for!!!”

- Lynn F.


What Kind Of Results Can You Expect? Take A Look…

“My confidence is back."

"I walk tall now.”

“My posture is better.”

“I’m so much happier on the inside.”

“I’ve become a better parent, partner, friend.”

“I feel healthy and energetic.”

“I feel confident in my food decisions."

“I’m more organized."

“I'm stronger, inside and out.”

“My aches and pains have disappeared.”

“I’m determined.”

“I'm more focused.”

Check out what clients have said about their progress:


Ditch the diet. Transform Your Life.


Want this time to be different?

This is your chance to stop starting over.

We will do everything possible within our power to make sure you stay on track with the program....we work just as hard as you do to support you to get the results you desire & deserve. We walk beside you every step of the way.

Progress NOT Perfection.

- Tricia J

- Sharon M.

- Tina S

“HUGE SUCCESS. Thank you Amy, you are a tremendous inspiration to all of us. There is no turning back for me now, clean eating and physical fitness are now part of who I am.

"I discovered how to change my mindset and rid myself of limiting beliefs that were holding me back. Amy's program taught me to believe in myself. I discovered how to fit in workouts and meal plans that met my lifestyle needs and goals."

“Fusion Fitness & Amy Lewis have changed my life!

I have met and surpassed my weight loss goals! The added strength and flexibility, the all-day energy and the new outfits I'm able to wear are all worth it.

I feel amazing! Thank you for changing my life!"

Are you Ready to Transform Your Mind and Body?

The Strong Beautiful You 12-Week Total Mind & Body Transformation is

accepting applications!

Apply TODAY and get a head start on your transformation.

Registration Now Open



If that's not what you're looking for, then you can exit the page and pretend you never saw this offer.

However, if you are serious about Transforming your Total Mind and Body by transforming your habits, and your relationship with food, exercise and your body image with the support and accountability you desire and deserve...then this is your ticket and we will stand by you every step of the way.

Yes. You. Can.

Go ahead, click the link below and apply to register & reserve your spot in Strong Beautiful You, 12-Week Total Mind & Body Transformation.

Get a head start on the energy boosted, toned and tightened body you deserve.


Sexy, toned, tight, with all day energy and clarity of mind.


Transforming Your Total Mind & Body for a Lifetime of Successful Habits with the Support & Accountability You Need to Succeed.

You’ve been putting this off for years (maybe longer).

Start NOW and in 90-Days, or less, you’ll have SEXY, TIGHT & TONED hips, thighs and arms, you’ll skyrocket energy and even clear brain fog!

Not to mention, your CONFIDENCE will be through the roof and you'll finally get your life back!

AND even better, your relationship with your body, your meals and exercise will transform into lasting lifestyle habits, once and for all.

FINALLY, you've found the answer.

No matter your age, genetics, or current level of fitness, you will finally get the lasting results you desire and deserve.

I will be taking you by the hand for 12 Weeks of life changing, delicious, energizing, and transformational fun.


12 Weeks of Focused Work = A New YOU

“My husband and I both lost 9 pounds each in the first 2 weeks with the simple habits and delicious meals Amy provides. We enjoy all-day energy and now look forward to getting our bodies moving daily."

- Teresa & Patrick

Have questions about Strong Beautiful You?


How will I get the Strong Beautiful You materials?

Once you sign up for the program you will receive contact via email with all of the details on how to get started. Everything is delivered online so you are able to access the content anywhere and print out materials that you want to take with you (like workouts or grocery lists.)


What about my workouts?

We have included BONUS follow along workouts right inside your portal OR you can do your own workouts!

**Live in or near Killington? Visiting the Killington area? We have a special VIP pass for you available at Killington Bootcamp Wellness Center!


What if I have food sensitivities or need workout modifications?

No problem, together we'll find what works for you so that you get the results you desire and deserve. Simple tweaks go a long way. As long as you are ready, willing, and able to do the work, you WILL get results.


If you have any other questions...

Simply contact me directly at amy@fusionfitnessvt.com or call/text me at 802-353-7536. I am rooting for you and am always here to help!

I’ve tried EVERYTHING and nothing has worked, how is this different?

The accountability and support is off the charts so that you are never alone and is what makes us stand out. If you are ready, willing, and able to do the work and lean in for support you cannot help but succeed. Strong Beautiful You is a proven program that has helped hundreds of women just like you get the permanent results they desire and deserve.


Ready to start the rest of your life off right?

Join Strong Beautiful You, Today!